Thin noodle fideua with bluefin tuna, squid and peeled shrimp
Black Fideuá with Octopus128
Shrimp, roasted octopus and squid ink.
Locust and Carabineros Paella128
Lobster and carabineros (+100€/kg of lobster)
Lobster Rice128
Mellow rice with lobster
Seafood Fideuá1238
Nephrops, prawns, cuttlefish, squid, mussels, clams and monkfish
Seafood Paella1238
Nephrops, prawns, cuttlefish, squid, mussels, clams and monkfish
Black Rice128
Shrimp, cuttlefish and squid ink.
A banda Rice128
Shrimp, cuttlefish and squid.
Paella "ciega"
Norway lobster, peeled shrimp, cuttlefish, squid, mussels, clam and monkfish.
Black Rice with octopus128
Shrimp, roasted octopus and squid ink.
1Pescado2Crustáceos3Moluscos6Contiene gluten8Dióxido de azufre y sulfitos